Saturday, July 17, 2010

Not a bad deal

One of my favorite Fargo summer activities is the Downtown Street Fair. It is a three day fair where vendors from all over come to showcase their handiwork. It includes a large supply of tiedye, yard art crafted from metal and barbed-wire, purses and jewelry galore, handpainted canvases and about anything else you could ever imagine.

It is during this time that that the Fargo Forum (our newspaper) holds a three day scavenger hunt for a hidden token. There is a clue in the paper each morning that will lead you to a token hidden somewhere along the street fair. Jason and I are always up for a good scavenger hunt but we have never been successful at this one. This year Jason was in charge of the hunting while I stayed at home with the kids. He did call me to read the clue so I could give my opinion on where it might be. On Thursday, the first day of the fair, Jason got up quite early, skipped his morning run and went searching for the token. And ten minutes later, it paid off...

Jason found the token. I suppose it might be worth mentioning, each of the three tokens is worth $500. Not a bad trade-off for skipping a morning run!


  1. That's should pay for a few fajitas at Jalapenos. Congrats to y'all. Tell WC I haven't forgotten about him. Trying to get up a few things to send.
    Take Care

  2. Woo hoo .... good for you! I went looking for yesterday's but didn't find it. Great job!! Enjoy the $$

  3. hey there - I wanted to tell you that I indeed have been keeping up with the latest on the Medders on the new blog! Fun. Also, finding a the token sounds just like something Jason would do :) Congrats! Hoping it will work out to see your family in a few weeks!

  4. Way to go! :) I could send you some clues to find friends in omaha... then you could skip morning runs, daily errands and everything in between to come searching!!!!

  5. Living in Dallas, I could only envision riots if they were to hold an event like that here. Too bad, it really sounds fun! How great that you won, too! Congrats!!
