Keeping up with the blog seems to be getting more difficult to do. I dunno, maybe it's because we have four kids, all age six and under. By the time everyone gets bathed, dressed, fed, and off to work, school, therapy, errands, activities, etc., it seems like it's time to go to bed and do it all again tomorrow. Life's busy, but we're having fun.
Here's an update on the kiddos, in age order (oldest to youngest), based on what everyone did today.
Wyatt went with Jason to Monster Jam. It had been a few years since Wyatt went to see the monster trucks, so he was glad to go again. Jason and Wyatt rode their bikes to the Fargodome (on February 4 - what an awesome winter we're having!) and enjoyed the show. Wyatt particularly liked Megatron (or whatever the cheesy, car-eating, flame-throwing, robot-dinosaur-monster thing is called these days).
Callie enjoyed the fact that Kelli has been in a sewing mood recently. Kelli's made lots of stuff over the past few days, because she obviously has plenty of time to sit in front of a sewing machine. She made Callie a backpack that she can use when she eventually starts preschool. She also made Callie the skirt that she's proudly trying on in the photo below. Callie's coming down with a cold, so she also spent a lot of her day just resting and wiping snot from under her nose.
Sadie enjoyed her day just playing and eating. That girl will eat anything that's placed in front of her, at any time. She's the polar opposite of her tube-fed older sister. Below is a picture of what her hair looks like each morning. She twirls her hair each evening when she's going to sleep, or if she wakes up during the night. Some days are worse than others, but we typically have to struggle each morning with a couple of small dreadlocks that may or may not require scissors to remove.
Watson is still as cute as ever. He smiles a lot, and he enjoys "talking." Lots of cooing and giggling make him a ton of fun to be around. It's hard to believe he's been with us for almost four months now. Watson's growing - he's at the tenth percentile for height and the thirty-third for weight. He's such a blessing!
I mentioned earlier that we've had an awesome winter, with regard to weather. The past couple of days, we've had "hoar frost." You'll have to look it up online to get an official definition. I just know it looks awesome and turns everything into a winter wonderland. Snow on trees looks cool, but hoar frost covers all the branch surfaces - not just the top - so everything gets a frosted look to it. Here's a shot looking north on our street.
Anyway, we're all just peachy. We're looking into some options for Callie to have some more aggressive feeding therapy, so we'll probably offer an update when we know more about that. At some point in her life, she'll need to put the feeding pump away, so hopefully attending an intensive feeding therapy program somewhere will aid in that process. More on that in the coming weeks...
Thanks for the updates.... I always look forward to 'catching up' on your family. God has definitely blessed each one of you with each other. Wyatt is such a handsome little guy and growing up so fast. I hope him and Jason will always be each other's best friend. Callie is absolutely precious. I just love her smile and bright eyes. She could be your little fashion diva.... And the little ones, amazing....what angels. They have surely added alot of fun to your family. Sending alittle Alabama love..... :)